Trials In Tainted Space Uveto

A save editor for the game Trials in Tainted Space. TiTsEd allows you to edit your character's stats, and possibly other things in the future. Requires, at least, Windows XP (which means it also works with: Vista, 7, 8, and 10) and the.NET Framework 4 (full or client profile). All entries must be Corruption of Champions or Trials in Tainted. Uveto VII is a moon orbiting the furthest gas giant in the Siretta system. While the system was opened in the 10th planet rush and many of its terrestrial planets were terraformed, the early settlers ignored Uveto VII as it appeared a frozen wasteland with nothing of interest on its surface. Nowadays several companies mine the frozen moon for its precious resources. These companies include RhenWorld, Akkadi. Throb from the original planet. You can buy it from the foxgirl cop once youve convinced her to go futa. No side effects but take too much though and you'll get - #154613943 added by baitandtackle at Trials in Tainted Space In A Nutshell. Forums Adult Games Trials in Tainted Space Planetary Discussion Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL) Discussion in ' Planetary Discussion ' started by Savin, Oct 28, 2016. Forums Adult Games Trials in Tainted Space How to get hardlight strap on Discussion in ' Trials in Tainted Space ' started by Rawr XD123, Aug 31, 2018.

Gel Zon
CreatorNonesuch, NightTrap, QuestyRobo
Full nameGel Zon
OccupationStorm Lancer
Initial Lust10
Maximum Lust100
Lust Reset(s)1
  • 4Interactions


The Storm Lancer is a random mob on Uveto. He will challenge wanderers of the snow wastes to a duel - provided he thinks they're worthy of respect.



You are battling the storm lancer. He is a 6’ 3” slate-blue cundarian armed with a heavy kinetic pistol and a storm lance, clad everywhere except his head, his blunt three-foot-long tail and the tips of his black hooves in sleek white armor, emblazoned with lightning bolts. Right now those hooves are firmly planted into the snow, his jetpack deactivated.

Even beneath that sleek, heavy carapace, there’s no disguising the bulky hills of muscle that roll down his arms and pad out his chest and backside, the physique of a male who evidently adores outdoor survival and heavyweight fighting. Small tentacles dangle from his strong chin and jaw - thicker ones flow back from his ridged brow and scalp. His flat-nosed profile speaks of a handsome dude who’s taken a fair few hefty blows to the face during the course of his life.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Gel Zon, in common with all Storm Lancers, respects strong adversaries - and disrespects weak ones.


He can be met in the non-Glacier Rift zone of Uveto. His attitude towards you is dictated by how many times you've beaten him, or he's beaten you.

Times Beaten Respect Lvl Demeanor
-2 or lessRespect 0Refuse to fight you, as no honor in it. Agree to train you Physique and Willpower, for buttfucking.
-1 to +1Respect 1Challenge you, and generally treat you as an equal.
+2 or moreRespect 2Will see you as a superior and a grand challenge, and will use more advanced attacks in battle.


At Respect 1 the Storm Lancer uses:

  • It Begins - If he's hit with a standard melee attack, he activates his jetpack and gains Flying status. His jetpack can be shot to disable it and do massive damage to him with a high accuracy ranged attack.
  • Pew Pew - Shoots twice with his kinetic pistol if Flying.
  • Storm Lance - Deals heavy kinetic damage and causes Knockdown. Deactivates Flying status.
  • Storm Javelin - Deals electric damage if Flying.
  • Thunderbolt - Deals electric damage with chance to stun if on the ground.
  • Covering Charge - Standard ground attack. Deals kinetic and electric damage.
  • I'm An Ice Monk, Harlot - Used if he gets to 70 lust. Reduces lust by 50 and gains a 50% tease resistance for 3 rounds.

At Respect 2 he also may use:

  • Lightning Rod - Recharges 75% of shields. 4 turn cooldown.
  • Covering Charge Mk2 - More accurate version with a chance to stun.
  • Storm Javelin Mk3 - Now also reduces target energy by 20.
  • Conan MAD - Used if he gets shot down. Gains a 15% kinetic resistance, deals nothing but heavy melee kinetic damage himself for the rest of the battle.

Lust Resistances
  • 50% immunity to pheromone attacks
Damage Resistances
  • 10% immunity to kinetic attacks
  • 20% immunity to electric attacks
  • 80% immunity to freezing attacks
  • 10% immunity to burning attacks
  • 15% weakness to corrosive attacks


Agreeing to be trained by Gel Zon at Respect 0 will result in getting assfucked.

Beating him opens up the following options:

  • Buttfuck - His butt. Fuck it.
    • Requires a penis shorter than 24 inches.
    • Let Him - Let him cum.
    • Deny - Deny his orgasm.
Trials in tainted space uveto probe
  • Spank - Dole out the standard punishment for being a bad boy.
  • Cunnilingus - Force him to eat you out.
    • Requires a vagina.
  • Throatfuck - Tear his noisehole a new one!
    • Requires a penis shorter than 28 inches.

Trials In Tainted Space How To Unlock Uveto

Losing to him results in getting penetrated. How it plays out depends on the following factors:

  • If the PC has a vagina
  • What level respect they're at
  • Whether the PC is male, female, femboy or herm
  • Whether they're in heat
  • Whether they got plugged by him before

Pussy Plug

The Storm Lancer's foam-like cundarian cum is quick-setting. If Steele has an unoccupied vagina and they lose to him, he will plug it shut. This results in suffering a libido boost and not being able to use until either Steele takes a shower, if they choose 'Get Licked' after winning a fight with The Storm Lancer, or they leave Uveto completely.


Gel Zon does not currently have any related quests.

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Deepsea Research Facility(Uveto)

Trials In Tainted Space Uveto
Deepsea Research Facility
Level Range7+

This location is exclusive to .

  • 1Deepsea Research Facility(Uveto)
    • 1.2List of characters


The Steele Biomedical Deepsea Research Facility is a laboratory that used to be part of Steele Tech's operations on Uveto until a recent incident required all the personnel to be evacuated and the entrance sealed. Is it accessible from an elevator shaft located directly east of Doctor Lessau's office. Once entered, it cannot be left until the quest is completed.


  • Must visit the elevator, then speak to Doctor Lessau.
  • It is highly recommended to bring Burning or Freezing weapons.

List of characters


  • Janeria - A creature that is drawing power from the stations Generator, growing ever larger and more powerful.
  • Typhon - The Facility AI, driven insane by the influence of the Janeria.


Areas and Encounters

After descending on the elevator, Steele can fight up to four Janeria Spawn as random encounters in the area around the Mainframe.

Typhon still controls the laser turrets in the Mainframe. After defeating Typhon, Steele can choose to destroy or keep the Data bead. This currently has no effect, so choose whichever you think is most appropriate. If Steele has the Attack Drone perk, the destroyed laser turrets can be converted into a Drone that does Burning damage.

The Akkadi Armored Depthsuit must be worn to go outside the lab to reach the Generator. Any Janeria Spawn left alive will join their parent and make the fight more difficult.


After returning to the surface, Steele will hand in Typhon's data bead if it was saved and can choose to either Turn In or Keep the Keycards. There is no current plan to make the keycards important in the future.

Trials In Tainted Space Uveto Quest

Notable Items and Rewards



  • 50,000 Credits
  • Can start the quest for Frostwyrm Ichor
  • If Gray Goo Armor is present, she will lose her weakness to Electricity, gain 50 Shields and learn the Pressurized flag.
  • The Janeria is a level 10 foe and awards XP accordingly.

Trials In Tainted Space How To Get To Uveto


Approximately one day after returning to the surface, Steele will receive a notice from Doctor Lessau with 50,000 Credits and unlocking Crackle Jelly. Additionally, Doctor Lessau can now start the quest to unlock Frostwyrm Ichor.

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