Games > Nintendo > Nintendo Wii U (NEW) > Super Mario 3D World (NEW)
Download: Super Mario 3D World (NEW) Cemu describes itself as experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC. This emulator is still in development and has limited compatibility with games. Many popular games seem to work already though sometimes with glitches. Super Mario 3D World is now playable through multi player with four characters in 3 different lanes. Each Character has its unique abilities and can help each other throughout the game. New maps, enemies and play style is being implemented and the new ability where you can transform in to a cat that gives you the ability to be in all 3 lanes.
Super Mario 3d World Download
Super Mario 3D World - it's so different, so amazing and luxurious. A new 3D platformer about the most popular video game character in history is the pinnacle of game design, demonstrating the very legendary skill of Nintendo developers. Bring a friend and enjoy the game together. Downlaods-CEMU - Maio 3D world rom - GeForce GTX 650CPU: Int. Any download for Super Mario 3D World? I'm always suspicious of the sites I download my games from, as I still get caught by my ISP when I don't torrent games. I was wondering if someone would be able to leave me a MEGA download link, someone could even import their files and then delete the MEGA as soon as I made the download.